WiFi setup instructions

  • Faculty & Staff
  • Students & Alumni

Tap or click the appropriate link below for your device


iOS device (iPad/iPhone/Apple Watch) - http://computing.sas.upenn.edu/reconfigureiosapn

Android device:

  1. http://www.isc.upenn.edu/how-to/using-wireless-penn#Getting-connected
  2. Scroll down to "What are the settings needed to connect to AirPennNet if I configure my device manually?".
  3. Select "AirPennNet"
  4. Put the manual settings in from the page above


  1. Connect to "AirPennNet"
  2. Put your Pennkey as the user name, and your PennKey password as the password

macOS device - http://computing.sas.upenn.edu/reconfiguremacosapn