Password Management

  • Faculty & Staff

The University has partnered with Dashlane to provide users with a password manager that can store, autofill, and generate passwords. Dashlane replaces the previous password manager, LastPass, as the recommended password manager solution for all users. Users who wish to keep LastPass as their preferred password manager will have their accounts downgraded to free versions starting on September 26th, 2024. The free offering of LastPass will only allow users to use the program on one device. Your passwords and stored items in your LastPass account will not be lost after the account is downgraded.

Dashlane offers two different products, Premium and Business.

What version is right for me?

Dashlane Premium is a close equivalent to LastPass Premium, which you may already have been using. This version is intended to be used to store personal passwords, notes, and non-Penn related information. This account type is best used to store:

  • Your Pennkey password
  • Banking passwords
  • Email passwords
  • Other passwords for services such as customer service accounts, subscriptions and online shopping accounts (Hulu, Amazon, etc.)
  • Passkeys to personal accounts

Dashlane Business is offered as an enterprise solution to store Penn-related passwords outside of your Pennkey, notes, and other sensitive information. A Business account is centrally managed and provides additional security measures to secure sensitive information. If you think you have a use case for this type of account, please reach out to your Local Service Provider or send a message to

How do I get a Dashlane Premium account?

You can create the account yourself by following the steps below. If you intend to use Dashlane for personal passwords, you may want to use a personal email account. This way you won't lose access to it if you change jobs in the future.

  1. Please click here to start the process of getting your premium license.
  2. Click "Add to Cart" then click "Check Out" to get your license. This will provide an individual registration code to obtain your license. If you lose your reigstration code, you can go back to the previous link and retrieve your registration code again.
  3. Go to and click on the link that says "Enter a Promo Code." You then will need to enter your registration code.
  4. On the left side, select "Premium" as your plan and then enter your email address. You may want to use a personal email address in order to keep your account licensed if you leave the University.
  5. After agreeing to the Terms of Service, click "Complete my Purchase."
  6. You will then be directed to install the Dashlane browser extension.
  7. After opening the extension and being prompted for a login, select "Create an Account."
  8. Enter the email address you used with your registration account to finish the process.
Migrating from LastPass

Dashlane allows you to use your passwords from LastPass, by exporting your passwords from LastPass and then importing them into Dashlane. If you aren't using LastPass but wish to migrate from your current password manager solution, you can import .csv files into Dashlane.

To export:

  1. Log into your LastPass account
  2. Click on "Advanced Options" in the lower left and select "Export"
  3. You will first receive an email asking you to confirm the export. You'll then need to select the approval in this email to continue and should be continued to export. If you aren't prompted, you can select "Export" again in "Advanced Options"
  4. You will then be prompted to enter your LastPass password. Once this is done, you'll start downloading a .csv file of all items and passwords in your LastPass account, including ones that have been shared with you.

To import:

  1. Log into your Dashlane account
  2. Click on "My Account" in the upper right and select "Settings."
  3. In the settings menu, select "Import Data"
  4. A dropdown menu will appear. Select "LastPass"
  5. Select "From a downloaded CSV (unencrypted; compatible with LastPass SSO)" and click "Get Started"
  6. You'll need to select or drag-and-drop the downloaded .csv file, then select "Next"
  7. You finally will be presented with a list of items that will be imported. After reviewing the selection and making sure things look correct, select "import Items"

Please note that you will need to delete the downloaded .csv file after the import process has been completed to keep your passwords secure.

Differences Between LastPass and Dashlane

There are some notable differences between the products that may require some consideration after switching. Some changes between the products are:

  • A single item can exist in multiple collections in Dashlane instead of being tied to a single folder like in LastPass
  • There are no sub-collections or sub-folders in Dashlane
  • Permissions may be applied to an entire collection as opposed to a user or group
Best Practices

When setting up your Premium account you will be provided a recovery key in case you are locked out of your account. For Dashlane Premium, SAS Computing has no way of centrally managing or resetting the password you created, so please save the recovery key in a secure location.

When setting up your account you may be presented with different options for signing in such as a PIN or password. It is highly recommended that you use a password that is complex and not used for any other accounts as opposed to setting a PIN.


If you have any questions or would like any assistance with the migration process or Dashlane, please feel free to reach out to your Local Service Provider or send a ticket to