Permanent Public Data Repository
Many federal grants require a public access plan for "long-term preservation and access to the content without charge."
Scholarly Commons is a data repository offered through the Penn library. It supports uploads of papers with accompanying supplemental files. Recommended formats include:
- Images: JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF
- Audio: AIFF, MP3, "unprotected" (DRM-free) AAC
- Video: MPEG
- Data: XML, Comma-separated values
FigShare is a data repository that provides a permanent Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for your research object. Researchers can preserve and share their research outputs, including figures, datasets, images, and videos. It is free to upload content and free to access, in adherence to the principle of open data. Figshare is a portfolio company of Digital Science, operated by Macmillan Publishers.
Additional repositories and directories of consortia-maintained public repositories are listed on the Penn Libraries guide to Data Management Plans.
Your Subject Specialist Librarian can also provide information about good data practices and discipline-specific services to store and distribute research data.
For more information or to talk about your specific needs, please contact your Local Support Providers.