Technology for Research: Data Management Planning

  • Faculty & Staff

Five Things an SAS Researcher Should Know About Data Management:

  1. Establishing a data management plan at a project's outset will help safeguard the results of your work and facilitate its preservation for future scholarship.
  2. Data management plans are required by the National Science Foundation and other federal funding agencies and are reviewed along with the research proposal.
  3. Your SAS Computing Local Support Provider can help devise a data management strategy and identify available university resources for storage, processing, backup, and archiving.
  4. Your Penn Libraries Subject Liaisons can advise on metadata design, copyright, and repository solutions for your data.
  5. Your Regional Business Office Grant Manager can assist in budgeting for the costs of equipment and services related to data management.


Penn Libraries offers a helpful guide for DMPTool, an online platform for drafting data management plans (DMPs). The tool was developed by a consortium of institutions to provide researchers with templates and guidance on DMP requirements for a growing list of agencies.

As a DMPTool partner institution, the University of Pennsylvania provides its researchers with PennKey login access to this service. Draft plans are hosted by the University of California's California Digital Library (CDL) and finalized plans are outputted in PDF format, suitable for inclusion in a grant proposal. Visit the Penn Libraries guide for more information and for DMPTool login instructions.

For Assistance or Consultation

For more information or to talk about your specific needs, please contact your Local Support Providers.