Welcome to the University of Pennsylvania. This document will lead you through the process of accessing the University’s computing resources. If you have any questions, please contact the Math Department’s Local Support Provider (LSP).
Mark Davidson
IT Support Specialist
Short-term visitors are considered to be those that are not on payroll and are usually here less than a semester. Faculty may sponsor visitors as well.
Step 1 - Getting your “PennKey” for Internet Access to Penn’s Network
See Monica in the Math office for a guest PennKey. She will need a picture ID at the time of your request.
Step 2 – Getting your office space.
Please see Monica to arrange for office space and/or computer access. Your Penn key will log you into the visitor machines.
Wireless Airpennet:
Guest Pennkey holders may use the wireless network by authenticating via the AirPennNet-Guest webpage.
Wired networking:
If you'd like to use wired networking, please send a message to manager@math.upenn.edu with your room number and your computer's MAC address.
Instructions for determining your computer's MAC address can be found here:
Departmental Printers
Please visit the following link for information on Departmental Printers: