GPC tesla queue instructions

  • Faculty & Staff

Users of Tesla should log in to the GPC using their pennkey. Note that access to the GPC is restricted to on-campus IP addresses. If you need to access the GPC from off-campus, please see the Getting Started page for information about how to use a campus VPN. 

Please familiarize yourself with the documentation in the GPC menu at the top left; especially useful are getting started and scheduling jobs. Note that if you already have a Tesla account you will not need to request a GPC account.

If you need help setting up X-Forwarding on your workstation, please refer to the instructions in getting started..

Once you have logged in, to run jobs you can either run the commands yourself using the qlogin command below, or have the cluster run the jobs for you by means of wrapper scripts, which is explained in scheduling jobs.

To run the commands yourself, you should type:

srun --partition=tesla --pty bash

Then you can submit jobs with sbatch on the Tesla node, which is node09.

Some software packages were originally only available on node09 through the SGE tesla.q, but are now availabe cluster-wide.

  • SAS9.4
  • Julia 0.4.3
  • Julia 0.6.2
  • Stata13 (with MP)
  • Stata14 (with MP)

To check available software type:

module avail

To load software for use type:

module load [modulename]

After loading, the executable for the software can be run from any directory


1) module load stata/14

2) xstata

If you have questions, please submit a ticket by sending email to