There is currently no fixed retention limit for recordings stored in Zoom. But there will likely be limits implemented in the future. We recommend that users download recordings that they want to keep and post them to a more suitable platform for long-term retention. The best choice of platform depends on the nature of the recording:
Recorded lectures and other teaching materials should be posted to the Panopto video system in Canvas so they can be easily made available to students.
- Recordings that are specific to this term (eg class discussions, other recordings that include students from your current class) should go into the Class Recordings folder for your current Canvas site
- Pre-recorded lectures or other materials that you want to may want to re-use in future terms, should go into a Panopto folder that you can use repeatedly over time. See
Recordings for your own personal use, or to be shared with collaborators, should go into personal or shared cloud storage. PennBox is a good choice when storing files for your own use or for sharing with collaborators at Penn; use other shareable storage (GoogleDrive, DropBox) as needed for recordings that should be shared with collaborators outside of Penn.
Recordings intended for a public audience (conference presentation, other public-facing material) should go to YouTube, Vimeo or other services intended to to reach broad public audiences. SAS Computing can help setup YouTube channels for SAS departments and programs. Before posting recordings publicly, be sure that you have permission from everyone who appears in the recordings. You should NOT make any class recordings publicly available.
Contact or the IT support person for your department if you have questions about the best choice for storage of your Zoom recordings