An effective problem solver with varied interests and a laconic wit.
"Περπάτημα τη λεπτή γραμμή μεταξύ πολυμαθής και ελαφρόμυαλος ερασιτέχνης"
Elizabeth C. Scheyder, PhD, PE, is a Senior Instructional Technology Project Leader in the School of Arts & Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania, where she supervises a wide variety of initiatives assisting professors who want to improve their classes with instructional technologies.
She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Systems Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University, a Master’s degree in TESOL from the University of Pennsylvania and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Educational Linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania.
Experiences from her first career, as a Professional Engineer licensed in Pennsylvania and New York, continue to influence her work in both Instructional Technology and teaching. In 2009, she was named a Turning Technologies Distinguished Educator, recognizing her work with TurningPoint audience response systems. She also enjoys teaching a Digital Humanities course in SAS and Communicating Science in LPS, so she can share her love of applying and transmitting knowlege with the next generation.
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