Class Sessions and Other Basic Presentations
The PCPSE Auditorium AV system can easily be operated without technical assistance for typical class sessions or other basic presentations.
- Typical self-serve AV operations include projection from the in-room PC or user-provided laptops, and using the wireless lapel microphones
- Although the room includes two projection screens, most presentations will only use one of the screens
- The screen further from the podium is used for projection by default
- The screen closer to the podium remains up by default, leaving a large whiteboard available for use
- Click here to view our Audio-Visual Quick Start guide A copy of this guide is available in the auditorium
Advanced Features, Special Events and Tech Support
- Videoconferencing, recording, or complex microphone setups will typically require technical assistance
- Contact to arrange tech support for complex activities
- There is no charge for tech support for class sessions
- There typically is a charge for tech support for special events or any activity other than class sessions
- SAS Computing Multi-Media Services will provide tech support for $35/hr (1 hour minimum) when we have staff available
- When SAS Computing does not have staff available, we will refer events to Visual Sound. Visual Sound provides tech support at many special events around campus; they have professional AV support staff available for most times, including evenings and weekends
- Information about reserving the auditorium for special events is available here:
Technology Feature Details
- Podium with a Windows 10 computer, laptop connections, microphone and touch-screen AV control panel
- The Windows 10 computer includes our standard classroom software suite. A PennKey is required to log in
- Laptop connections are available for VGA and HDMI. Mac laptop users need to provide their own adapter
- This podium CANNOT be removed from the room
- The podium microphone and two wireless lapel microphones are available in the room
- Additional microphones are available for panel discussion or for questions from the audience. Contact tech support in advance of your meeting if you need these microphones
- Dual video projectors and stereo speakers
- Assistive listening emitters; headsets available on request
- Cameras at the front & rear of the auditorium for recording, live streaming or videoconferencing
- Good WiFi coverange on AirPennNet
- Electric outlets provied in the audience seating areas
- Large whiteboards
- Lighting controls are located on the front wall of the auditorium, behind the podium