Using the wired network in most SAS buildings requires that you register your computer's MAC address.
Use the instructions below to find your computer's MAC address then, using a computer already connected, go to the website and register the address using your Pennkey ID and password.
* Depending on location, it may take a short while (up to 20 minutes) for servers to update. Usually, the wait is much shorter.
To determine the MAC address of your ethernet card:
Windows XP / 2000
* open up a command console
(e.g., Start Menu . Run . type cmd . enter)
* type ipconfig /all
* find your network interface/card
* the MAC address (aka physical address) is the number consisting of six alphanumeric pairs
* launch System Preferences
* launch Network
* select the TCP/IP tab
* the Ethernet Address, consisting of six alphanumeric pairs, is the number you need to report
* in a console/term type ifconfig (usually need root privileges)
* find your ethernet interface (e.g., eth0)
* the HWaddr assigned to your ethernet interface is the MAC address you need to report