Social Sciences Computing offers these services:
Desktop Support
SSC technicians setup PCs including network connections, e-mail and desktop applications. Techs troubleshoot and repair hardware and software problems. Help Desk staff show clients how to start using applications and are available to answer questions about software.
Server Administration
SSC administrators manage domain accounts, file shares and network printers. Administrators update systems with the latest security patches and closely monitor system security. Admins troubleshoot and repair server hardware and software problems. They also run daily system backups.
Web Hosting
SSC hosts web-sites for departments, research centers and individuals. SSC can produce reports with statistics and charts about web-site visitors. SSC servers have SSL certificates when security is required. SSC staff can also setup password protected web-sites.
Mailing Lists
SSC administers a mailing list server. Social Science departments and research centers can request new lists. This server runs closed and moderated lists only.
Linux Cluster Administration
SSC administers Linux clusters purchased with grant funds. SSC trouble shoots equipment problems and work with vendors to keep clusters operational.
Disk Space for Research Projects
SSC administers disk space for research projects. Projects must purchase disks and tapes for backup while SSC sets up the disks and performs daily backup. A hardware firewall protects the server on which the research disks reside.
Disk Space for Graduate Students
SSC makes server disk space available to graduate students in Social Science Departments. Graduate students can access this space from on and off campus.
Computer Labs
SSC manages computer labs for Social Science departments and centers. Technicians install hardware and software in labs. Techs troubleshoot and repair problems in the lab as well as audit the labs weekly for problems. SSC recommends to departments and centers what machines to purchase for computer labs.
Training Seminars
SSC gives annual orientation seminars to new graduate students and faculty. Throughout the year, SSC presents workshops on statistical software, data security, remote computing and e-mail. SSC also gives seminars on topics requested by clients.
Equipment Recommendations
SSC recommends hardware and software to purchase. SSC creates specifications and obtains cost quotations from vendors. SSC coordinates with business offices to make purchases. After delivery, technicians install the new equipment.
Statistical Processing
One of SSC’s Linux servers is dedicated for statistical processing. SAS and Stata are available on the server. Linux has the ability to run programs unattached, so clients can disconnect while jobs are running. Anyone affiliated with a Social Science department or center is eligible for an account.
Statistical Computing Group
Statistical Computing Group (SCG) performs programming and data analysis for grant-funded projects. SCG programmers answer questions about quantitative analysis software.