Courtesy Appointments in SAS

  • Faculty & Staff

Courtesy Appointments are used for individuals affiliated with an SAS department to provide access to services during their relationship with that department.  Courtesy Appointments in SAS need to be approved by the SAS Dean's office.

To submit a request for a Courtesy Appointment, department staff should message including:

  • sponsoring department

  • affiliate's relationship to the department

  • affiliate's name and email address

  • duration needed for the appointment

  • Is this person being paid? If so how?

Maximum appointment duration is one year and appointments need to be re-approved after expiration.

The PennKey Team will then work with the Dean's Office for approval of the Courtesy Appointment or to apply the appropriate affiliation for the situation.  Once the Courtesy affilaition is provided the affiliate can then go the PennCard Center with two forms of ID to obtain their PennCard.