1. On your Mac, navigate to the Finder application using command+Tab or by clicking on your desktop.
2. In the Go menu, click Connect to Server...
3. In the Server Address box enter the address for your folder following this rule:
USERNAME is your Active Directory username, which is the same as your PennKey username.
Enter your DIVISION as follows:
hum - Humanities Department (Anthropology, English, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations, Philosophy, Romance Languages, etc.)
natsci - Natural Science Departments (Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science, Physics and Astronomy, Psychology, etc.)
pci - Programs, Centers and Institutes
Once you have your address in properly, click the big + sign next to the text box. This will add that address to your Favorite Servers list.
4. Click on the entry in the list and choose Connect.
5. In the box that pops up, enter your username and password as before, and make sure to check the "Remember this password in my keychain" box. Click Connect.
6. If you have access to a departmental shared folder, repeat steps 1 - 5 with the following Server Address:
Once you have entered the address properly, click the + to add it to your Favorite Servers, select it, and click Connect. If you saved your password in the keychain, you shouldn't have to retype it here.
7. If you use this computer regularly, you will want to create shortcuts to the shares on your desktop. Click here for step-by-step instructions.