Shell Access to Web-Facstaff.SAS for Hosting Web Pages

  • Faculty & Staff

You can use a secure terminal emulator like SecureCRT to gain shell access for editing personal webpages on the web-facstaff server. To do so, you must first obtain a shell account.

If you do not yet have a shell account, please request one by sending an email message to Please be sure to include your name, Pennkey, faculty/staff/student status, and "request for shell access to web-facstaff" in the email.

Once you have a shell account, use your SSH2-capable terminal program to log into web‑ (hostname) using the SSH2 protocol and your web-facstaff username and password. From there you can access your SAS website. You'll need to use one of the currently supported Terminal Emulation programs available from Information System and Computing's (ISC) Download Site and the PennConnect CD such as the current versions of Secure CRT or HostExplorer for Windows, or dataComet Secure or Terminal for the Mac OS.

With shell access, you can upload web pages or other documents through an SFTP client such as Fetch (Mac) or WS_FTP (Windows). Both are available for free from You can also use the SFTP upload feature in web editing software such as Dreamweaver, Contribute, iWeb, TextWrangler, or BBEdit. Use these settings:

  • Host: web‑
  • Port:  22
  • Protocol: SFTP
  • Log in with your web-facstaff username and password

If you need any assistance with this, please contact your LSP.