SAS Computing Allocation Questionnaire

  • Faculty & Staff

This form is intended for standing faculty only of the School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania.

Standing faculty who have received an allocation letter may use this form to select which computer they would like.

Please note: orders for laptops and custom or High End desktop computers will not be placed between Thanksgiving and New Year's.

If you have any questions or need help filling out the form, please email


1. Contact Information:


2. Computer Selection: 

Please see the SASC Computer Options List for a description of each option.


 3. Desktop Computer


5.Laptop Case Option: 


6.Security Software for Laptops:

As part of the setup process, we encrypt Penn-owned laptops using full-disk encryption in compliance with University policy. The purpose of this policy is to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of University data stored on Penn-owned mobile devices. Reach out to your LSP for more information, or see here.

Following SAS Finance policy, we will contact your business office for the full account number and approval for the charge.


8.Additional Software:

Please note: We gather this information simply so we can pass it on to your LSP (local computing support provider.) Please contact him or her for help with the purchase and installation of the additional software. If you have already purchased the software and do not need to purchase new versions, you will be required to provide both proof of licensing and the install media.




10.Current Faculty Section:

If this computer system is replacing a previous computer system provided to you by the SAS Computing Allocations Program, then please read the following and then indicate your request for the destination of the the replaced system:

 After your replacement Allocations computer has been received, you may continue using the replaced computer system while you are employed by SAS, with the following caveats:

a. The Allocation program will no longer be financially responsible for any upgrades or repairs to the system

b. When you no longer need the replaced computer system, please ask your local computing support provider (LSP) to return it to the SAS Computing Allocations Program to allow for appropriate tracking and processing of the computer for possible reuse or disposal.

c. If at any time you would like to transfer the computer to someone else affiliated with SAS, please contact the SAS Computing Allocations Manager before doing so by emailing , or by including the name and status of the person and the purpose of the transfer below. At times, the Allocations program will instead be able to provide an equivalently upgraded surplus computer and the system being replaced will then be returned for other use by the Allocation program.


11. New Faculty Section: