Before completing this form, put the executible of the program in \\sas\sasc\shares\distatff\projects\srp_exception_needed with your pennkey in the folder name. LSP Email Address * LSP FP Team Name * - Select -DCS 1st TierAnthropologyBiologyChemistryClassroomsCollegeCPCWEnglishGSWSHistoryLogan HallMMETSMathematicsMusic and HOAPPCPhysics and AstronomyPsychologySSCWilliams Name of Program * Machine Name AppLocker Error Seen On * Copy and Paste event log error below. * Server path of application on Diststaff * Date needed by * Month MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Day Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Year Year202520262027 Does the program update regularly? * - Select -YesNo Does the program get installed in a consistent location (IE C:\ProgramName) or is it random? - None -ConsistentRandom Notes Please note who this is for (person, lab, etc) Submit