Downloading your Archive:
When your Facstaff account has been closed and archived, you will have received a message about the availabilty of the archive from SAS Computing. An archive available for your closed Facstaff account will be accessible for download here:
You will just need to replace yourpennkey with your actual Pennkey username in the URL to download the archive from your account.
You will then be asked to authenticate with your Pennkey and password to download the archive files.
In your archive you will see two .zip files - and The latter contains the mbox converted mail. Upon unzipping the archive, the user will see a directory/folder called"archive.yourpennkey", inside of which are other directories and a file called "README.txt". This file contains general information about his mbox-converted inbox and folders. Here are the contents of README.txt:
This archive was generated on Mon 04 Apr 2016 (aka 20160425) by converting to the mbox format
the inbox and other mail folders of your SAS email account archive,
which was generated on 20160421 when this email account was closed.
The yourpennkey/inbox_mbox_format file and the yourpennkey/mail_folders_mbox_format directory contain,
respectively, the inbox and other mail folders.
Depending on the structure of your account and subfolders, the README.txt file will vary with specifics for your individual account and folder structure.
Importing your Archive:
Mail folders in the mbox format can be imported into some mail programs, instructions can be found here for Apple Mail and Thunderbird.
If you have any trouble importing your archive or have any questions please contact your Local Support Provider or fill out our form here.